Until, everything is completed with the FSF ebook all of my blogs, websites, etc.. will be under construction. Thank you for your patience.
This site is an open topic forum. It will center on philosophy, beliefs, and the power of thought. It will be the home of all topics unrelated to travel. I have over 3,000 gracious reader comments and my replies to share with you. I look forward to meeting my new readers and welcome back my readers at Wordpress. Think Well, Be Well J Kris Halley
Revolutionizing How Creative Talent is Discovered
Posted by
12:57 PM
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Komet Kreations Talent Network, LLC
Revolutionizing How Creative Talent is Discovered.
2013.07.24 BLOG POST ENTRY 11:44 AM START
Introducing The facilitator in getting prescreened talent into the industry they belong. We are the one-click stop for the best showcase of talent that you will find anywhere online.
I am excited to tell you about it because it will be taking new talent applications and the official website is approaching Launch time. We are T-_ and counting down.
Let me tell you a little more about what we already offer. You will bookmark this post and look for updates.
- Writers-polish off those manuscripts
- Actors-perfect that 2:00 minute dialogue video
- Musicians-send in your latest original scores.
- Poets-Send us words from your heart
- Models-Submit your best photos and an abridged Portfolio
- Photographers/Illustrators/Artists - your best digital renderings or pictures of your art.
This much talent in one place is blood in the water in shark-infested waters.
While it is in our capacity to manage and/or represent chosen applicants, we are currently focused mostly on literary work.
In nonfiction, I have a three book self-help/Travel series. Free Spirit Fitness is a breakthrough way to health, the logical first step toward a happier life. Epiphany is the second book and comes in two versions.
The nonfiction is cinematic on its own merit. On May 4th, 2004 at 2AM, I was awakened from a deep sleep by a strange tingling sensation that was coming from the top of my head, or my scalp.
As my hand nears close to touching my head, a sudden, powerful burst of energy shoots down my body in a wave. I felt like I was pinned down and, was trying to speak but could not make a sound.
Most of this energy seemed to exit through my extremities. Residual energy would cause muscles to tense, and then it was gone.
I could sit up. I was trembling as I sat on the side of the bed. I was in a state of fight/flight and my right arm trembled....
The Cinematic version portrays a sensationalized version of this. It actually has a supernatural entity to appear. Then, it loosely follows the biblical account of King Solomon.
The Travel Chronicles of an American Family, wraps up the self-help series and launches a new volume of travel books.
Under Jimmy Komet Fiction, our copyrights feature every genre and every budget and every venue.
The Meek One-An apocalyptic thriller.
2013.07.24 12:50 TBC
Precision from Chaos?
Posted by
2:12 AM
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
How often does the average person think about life and all the
wonder it offers? It is decisively low. In the information age, we
have evolved into the modern era with civility and capitalism. We
are so engaged in our day-to-day lives that we never put much
thought into the more profound and meaningful aspects of our
wonder it offers? It is decisively low. In the information age, we
have evolved into the modern era with civility and capitalism. We
are so engaged in our day-to-day lives that we never put much
thought into the more profound and meaningful aspects of our
Why are we here? Who are we? What is our Purpose? Does a Creator or
God exist?
Is this all just one crazy, cosmic coincidence?
No one can tell you with scientific certainty-or by virtue of
empirical evidence. What we do know, is that we have failed to
re-create a living organism when only non-animated material exists.
It would truly be something if chaos is the father of creation. It
would damage morality and our sense of right and wrong is innate
only to our species. If chance is the creator, then you would think
we would not be alone with that ability and left to our own vices.
I hear how some people cling to the first chapter in Genesis. We are a spec amidst a vast universe that is billions of years old, yet Moses wrote that God did all it all in a week some 4-5,000 years ago.
Accordingly, around the world there is record of a great flood that occurred circa 2300 BC.
I am not about to challenge anyone on the real age of our universe.
I simply refer them to the fact that God reconciles time in a much different way than humans. Peter writes that "1,000 years could be but a day for God."
empirical evidence. What we do know, is that we have failed to
re-create a living organism when only non-animated material exists.
It would truly be something if chaos is the father of creation. It
would damage morality and our sense of right and wrong is innate
only to our species. If chance is the creator, then you would think
we would not be alone with that ability and left to our own vices.
I hear how some people cling to the first chapter in Genesis. We are a spec amidst a vast universe that is billions of years old, yet Moses wrote that God did all it all in a week some 4-5,000 years ago.
Accordingly, around the world there is record of a great flood that occurred circa 2300 BC.
I am not about to challenge anyone on the real age of our universe.
I simply refer them to the fact that God reconciles time in a much different way than humans. Peter writes that "1,000 years could be but a day for God."
An inexplicable "big bang" occurs billions of years ago and somehow
this is what chaos led too? Does that not conflict with the simple
elegance embedded within the physical laws?
Precision from Chaos?
That seems pretty hard to conceive. It is also beyond our
comprehension to understand a being known as the Alpha and the
Omega, or the beginning and the end, of which, He is neither. He
never had a beginning and He will never end.
Ask a scientist to define energy. He will tell you that energy is
eternal. It has always been around and it will always be. It may change forms, but it is every where at the same time. It is what everything that we know in the material world breaks down to on the
quantum level.
Ask a member of clergy to describe God. He too, is omnipotent, and everywhere at all times. He is in us and around us. He never had a beginning and will never have an end.
When Moses asked for his name, he was told by a burning bush that "I am who I am [who I need to be]. In Hebrew, God's name is a collection of four symbols that translate to Yahweh. In English, his name is pronounced, Jehovah. (see Psalms 83:18 in almost every translation)
One of the commandments is not to use God's name in vain. A group of transcriptionists charged with the task of rewriting the scriptures elected to remove the holy name in favor of LORD of GOD.
Of course, if he has a name, Jehovah, then that is contradictory that Jesus was God-incarnate. The different names serves to separate them as independent individuals.
Jesus often referred to the Father. "He is greater than I," and "Even the Son of Man does not know the day, but only the Father."
Jesus is called a god. He was the first life-form God created and was involved in the process from then on...so, unlike Jehovah, Jesus did have a beginning.
I am not out to cause contention. I have read every passage in the bible but I am not a religious person. It was an educational goal to know the book from which Western civilization was founded.
Three hundred and some years after Jesus was killed was it decided that a trilogy exists. A trilogy is common to many religions and was founded, like most of today's religions, in Babylon.
By choosing to adopt that as fact, it elevated Mary to a new station as the mother of God. Despite the fact that she is hardly mentioned at all, and that Jesus did not admonish his followers a single instance to revere the holy mother as such. She was a good woman, and beyond the fact that Joseph was a good man, they are barely supporting cast in the Gospel accounts.
I also have wondered a lot about why only certain scriptures are important. For instance, as the Apostle Paul wrote, "...Adulterers, Fornicators, men who lie with men...will not enter God's kingdom."
Yet religious fanatics are fixated on the part about homosexuality when the same consequences apply to them if they are having sex outside of marriage.
The Lord's prayer is a fickle thing. It was the model of how to pray that Jesus shared with the crowd. However, moments before he said those famous words, "...Hallowed be thy Name...Earth as it is in Heaven" he quite clearly says that we should not hope to be heard by our use of many words, or not to sound the trumpets ahead of you in a spectacle to draw attention to your holiness...surely I say to you, they are receiving their reward in full." He continues, "But do not be saying the same words over like the hypocrites, but speak from your heart..."
This leads him to model a prayer for us so that we know what to include, not what to recite. A memorized script has no meaning.
Jesus began his ministry after John the Baptist baptized him. It took only three years for the historical figure, Jesus, to change the world and be the founder of Christianity.
I don't really care if you believe the bible, or have any interest in religion. I have no ties with organized religion, but I know what the bible says and what it does not.
I always wondered who invented the Rapture. There is not a word about any such thing that I read in the scriptures.
It seems to me, that in Revelations, John is calling organized religion "Babylon the Great." The belief is that only one true religion exists and I have read how to recognize them.
In the Bible, it also warns against traditions becoming greater than his word. But, today, religion is all about rituals and traditions.
I took a course that was on the bible. It had little or nothing to do with the Holy Scriptures. Rather, I would have had to learn all about the Canonized Saints and books that were not canonized. The professor did not like me, because I put him on the spot with some very difficult questions.
I could feel his relief when I withdrew from the class.
This is a draft. Pardon syntax errors and spelling.
If you want posts, you got them.
Posted by
12:46 PM
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
I am a happily married man with three wonderful chldren. Next May, we will celebrate our 20th anniversary.
However, before I found real love with one woman, I found a lot of loving with many women. I am proficient in tactics that attract the hottest girls with a very high rate of success. Naturally, I no longer practice these tactics, but, like a bike, I haven't forgotten my methodology.
It is the first time I have had the opportunity to observe the tactics from a different angle.
So I am no longer a player, but I am learning that not only males know the science and the art to execute a dynamic and sophisticated approach that moves seamlessly from one phase to the next.
He/she may appear more intoxicated than she really is. He obviously will never cross that line that would lead to into obnoxious or arrogant, self-centered behaviors.
He knows where that is and has prompted the target to take just a few steps past it. If she is successful, he has risen above any affected by alcohol. They drastically underestimate the player of having the capacity of engineering such tactics, and are being blinded by visions of a possible soul-mate connection could be possible.
She will only show enough intellect that is needed to talk on a reasonably intelligent level. In other words, they appear smart enough to converse at the same level of their target, and the general group he/she is infiltrating.
They appear smart enough, but nothing remotely close to be any kind of intellectual threat.
"Shields lowered Captain."
TBC 04-18
However, before I found real love with one woman, I found a lot of loving with many women. I am proficient in tactics that attract the hottest girls with a very high rate of success. Naturally, I no longer practice these tactics, but, like a bike, I haven't forgotten my methodology.
It is the first time I have had the opportunity to observe the tactics from a different angle.
So I am no longer a player, but I am learning that not only males know the science and the art to execute a dynamic and sophisticated approach that moves seamlessly from one phase to the next.
He/she may appear more intoxicated than she really is. He obviously will never cross that line that would lead to into obnoxious or arrogant, self-centered behaviors.
He knows where that is and has prompted the target to take just a few steps past it. If she is successful, he has risen above any affected by alcohol. They drastically underestimate the player of having the capacity of engineering such tactics, and are being blinded by visions of a possible soul-mate connection could be possible.
She will only show enough intellect that is needed to talk on a reasonably intelligent level. In other words, they appear smart enough to converse at the same level of their target, and the general group he/she is infiltrating.
They appear smart enough, but nothing remotely close to be any kind of intellectual threat.
"Shields lowered Captain."
TBC 04-18
Posted by
3:02 AM
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Why do women aggressively pursue me although I am married? I am listening to a video pitch from another website tab that is going to teach me how to get beautiful girls to fuck me. When did asking stop working?
Richard is this tiny little fellow who claims he fucks the hottest girl every time. He concedes that his looks do not even hold up to his friends, but he outplays them when it comes to making connections with the female gender.
It seems like it was so long ago when I felt awkward around beautiful women. The homecoming queen also kept stats for wrestling and baseball. Two sports I was active at back then. To assess me at a glance, I was confident. I drove a hot sports car and had a nice build. I was well-known for the 18 strikeouts I pitched in a 21 out game. It holds the record, but was as close as I have gotten to a no-hitter.
Anyway, I am a junior, and Lisa was a Senior. She was always very nice to me. In fact, I was more popular in the class ahead of me than in my own. I can remember how hard it was to breath when I got up off the bench and headed down to the other side where Lisa and her friend were catching up on game stats.
I stood there in silence. My heart was about to explode. It felt like my words would not come out, just as I was about to say something, the coach called me over to him.
I was going to start next inning playing third base. That meant, that I would bat third when we were back on offense. This time, my mind was partially turned toward the other team's pitcher, when she looks up at me, pats the spot next to her and invites me to sit down...
I was reluctant. Our team just got the final out and were coming into the dugout. I thought I missed my chance. She tugs my jersey and said, "did you come over here to tell me something?" I looked at her and slowly nodded. She went on, "Do you want to take me to the Prom? Yes. I will go to the Prom with you."
Her friend came back with sodas. Lisa told her that she has a date for the Prom and her friend was really excited and asked, "But who"
I was outside the dugout and could hear them talking about me, but not what they were saying.
The opposing pitcher was new and left-handed. He struck out both batters ahead of me. I got to the plate and I am smiling to the point I probably looked like I had special needs. I watched strike two fly by, and called time. I stood outside the batter's box and planted my right foot even with the plate, and my left was hugging the front line.
A left-handed pitcher has a natural curve to their pitches. I noticed his broke late. So I moved in and up.
He threw a fast ball to back me off the plate, but I returned to the same stance. All of a sudden his delivery is different. He was trying to through a change up, but it turned out to be a hanging curve.
I fed another ball to the beast-or the swamp area beyond the outfield. We made up stories of a wild beast living their, surviving off of the only thing he can eat-homeruns...
When I rounded the bases, it tied us up. Lisa comes running out and hugs me like I did have special needs...I don't remember if we came back and won that game or not. know I left a winner.
Richard is this tiny little fellow who claims he fucks the hottest girl every time. He concedes that his looks do not even hold up to his friends, but he outplays them when it comes to making connections with the female gender.
It seems like it was so long ago when I felt awkward around beautiful women. The homecoming queen also kept stats for wrestling and baseball. Two sports I was active at back then. To assess me at a glance, I was confident. I drove a hot sports car and had a nice build. I was well-known for the 18 strikeouts I pitched in a 21 out game. It holds the record, but was as close as I have gotten to a no-hitter.
Anyway, I am a junior, and Lisa was a Senior. She was always very nice to me. In fact, I was more popular in the class ahead of me than in my own. I can remember how hard it was to breath when I got up off the bench and headed down to the other side where Lisa and her friend were catching up on game stats.
I stood there in silence. My heart was about to explode. It felt like my words would not come out, just as I was about to say something, the coach called me over to him.
I was going to start next inning playing third base. That meant, that I would bat third when we were back on offense. This time, my mind was partially turned toward the other team's pitcher, when she looks up at me, pats the spot next to her and invites me to sit down...
I was reluctant. Our team just got the final out and were coming into the dugout. I thought I missed my chance. She tugs my jersey and said, "did you come over here to tell me something?" I looked at her and slowly nodded. She went on, "Do you want to take me to the Prom? Yes. I will go to the Prom with you."
Her friend came back with sodas. Lisa told her that she has a date for the Prom and her friend was really excited and asked, "But who"
I was outside the dugout and could hear them talking about me, but not what they were saying.
The opposing pitcher was new and left-handed. He struck out both batters ahead of me. I got to the plate and I am smiling to the point I probably looked like I had special needs. I watched strike two fly by, and called time. I stood outside the batter's box and planted my right foot even with the plate, and my left was hugging the front line.
A left-handed pitcher has a natural curve to their pitches. I noticed his broke late. So I moved in and up.
He threw a fast ball to back me off the plate, but I returned to the same stance. All of a sudden his delivery is different. He was trying to through a change up, but it turned out to be a hanging curve.
I fed another ball to the beast-or the swamp area beyond the outfield. We made up stories of a wild beast living their, surviving off of the only thing he can eat-homeruns...
When I rounded the bases, it tied us up. Lisa comes running out and hugs me like I did have special needs...I don't remember if we came back and won that game or not. know I left a winner.
Sick of Complaining about a Good life.
Posted by
12:27 AM
Monday, March 25, 2013
The subject line appears in a Foo-Fighters song and I notice that is actually impossible. Complaints are negative and when we share our misery we get big doses of misery back from others.
I am guessing that this is truth, knowing it is true in reverse. Happiness causes the corners of your mouth to turn up and you get this feeling in your chest. Right there, where the heart organ is located you get this warm feeling and a secure sense that everything is going to work out perfectly.
The difference in the two are polar. Existing: Getting out of bed only to relieve myself and the occasional attempt at hygiene would draw me out of my bedroom.
I was alone. Just me and my Tivo, dozens of syndicated sitcom reruns of shows that were popular a few years ago, but ran its course.
I would eat and I would smoke cigarettes. So it even stank in that room. I was a burden on everyone and I hated it.
I remember back in 2009 when I queried my Free Spirit Fitness manuscript. It only took one mailing and I had a contract with an agent.
Now, that manuscript has add dimension. I will show you the same results doing the same thing, except this time, I realize that what I have stumbled into is valuable information. It has always been there but never made real until I assigned it a name.
My approach to life follows the philosophy of freewill, or the free spirit philosophy, and its application to helping one achieve the body they were visualizing just a few months earlier. No sagging skin at any age.
Age is just bull shit anyway.
I am guessing that this is truth, knowing it is true in reverse. Happiness causes the corners of your mouth to turn up and you get this feeling in your chest. Right there, where the heart organ is located you get this warm feeling and a secure sense that everything is going to work out perfectly.
I have lived and I have existed.
The difference in the two are polar. Existing: Getting out of bed only to relieve myself and the occasional attempt at hygiene would draw me out of my bedroom.
I was alone. Just me and my Tivo, dozens of syndicated sitcom reruns of shows that were popular a few years ago, but ran its course.
I would eat and I would smoke cigarettes. So it even stank in that room. I was a burden on everyone and I hated it.
I remember back in 2009 when I queried my Free Spirit Fitness manuscript. It only took one mailing and I had a contract with an agent.
Now, that manuscript has add dimension. I will show you the same results doing the same thing, except this time, I realize that what I have stumbled into is valuable information. It has always been there but never made real until I assigned it a name.
My approach to life follows the philosophy of freewill, or the free spirit philosophy, and its application to helping one achieve the body they were visualizing just a few months earlier. No sagging skin at any age.
Age is just bull shit anyway.
Life as a Writer-Take a Glance
Posted by
4:28 PM
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Artistic people, or those of predisposed to using right brain functions over left, have the ability to see the abstract. I have a vivid imagination. Concepts swarm my mind until a start grabbing them and begin the process of bringing them to life.
I am teaching myself how to play the keyboard and am a complete original who excels past adequate to a featured role in a band.
I can live with my eccentricities. When I am writing, or doing anything that requires me to assume a persona, then I am living truthfully in fictional circumstances. I am absorbed into what I am doing to the point that I call it the obvious:
The peripheral world no longer exists for me
I have to engage that deeply into my subconscious to draw out my talents. I have to be connected with this universal energy when I express myself. I fell from having a blog that overwhelmed me to where I lost pace by almost 2,500 unanswered reader comments.
So often, I would be asked what is the secret to my success. Readers have proposed to interview me, others have volunteered to be my apprentice. And, readers constantly asked for my permission to quote me in their blogs.
I had almost a dozen other blogs attached to mine looking to share my traffic. I gave without condition and it rained down on me with an overwhelming spike in the volume of readers my blog posts were coming in copious and consistent expressions of gratitude. I was able to help so many of them discover something important about their lives. The spike shows how well intelligent people will flock together.
I expect nothing less for this blog site
I am happy to have this break from the manuscripts to post a fresh blog. I love living with freewill, or, hence, my free spirit philosophy. When you master control over your minds you will be a powerful being. You will attract those like you to you.
Together, we manifest an informal morality contract and will be just the person the other person needs to meet. I accept that I am not writing for much of an audience at the moment. I don't care a whole lot.
I had too many "Stumble ons...: and "I don't even know how I ended up here.s" to give concern any energy that I have no purpose in the time I am spending writing this down. But the fact is, I need a plan...
Ebooks, manuscripts, websites, photographs, video, editing all, software, I need someone to help me otherwise I will...I will have to wait longer doing it alone. That would bum the shit out of me.
I am on a schedule and will be restored when I am finished moving everything to an 3 EXT HD and filtering that to a 1 TB and from their, uploading to my desktop and laptop. They will start off in perfect synchronization. I would be really happy and even more grateful for that day.
I think I have the right system, but who is to know.
If you do, I am begging for advice from an organized writer. I will get by on talent...I will get by faster on talent and efficiency...lol
I will compensate a tutor for their help.
Otherwise, I am doing nothing better than moving a whole bunch of data to that one hard-drive, filtering it and sending the edited versions ahead to 1Tb...I will pay someone a lot of money to help[.
(a lot is a relevant and subjective word) It will be more than the effort you need to put in for those weekly or biweekly checks.
Get my comments primed and respond that way. I am legitimate, and so is the offer...
What Readers Have said about my Blog-AUTHOR REPLY
Posted by
9:15 PM
Thursday, March 21, 2013
KoMeT KrEAtiONs TaLENt, iNc.
Revolutionizing the Way Creative Talent is Discovered
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That is so good to hear. I plan on keeping it up at a break-neck pace...I will be announcing my new URL's as soon as they are published.
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You can be sure that I will update my new URL addresses as soon as they are made public.
You can be sure that I will update my new URL addresses as soon as they are made public.
Think Well, Be Well
JK Halley
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I don't even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was good. I don't know who you are but certainly you are going to a famous blogger if you are not already ;) Cheers!
Do you believe in accidents? Einstein didn’t and I understand he was a pretty intellectual fellow…I don’t believe in accidents either.
There is always a reason behind everything we do. We may not always be entitled to know why or how, but something other than coincidence put you here. Whatever or however you found yourself reading through my post is far less relevant than the fact that you are here.
I cannot venture even a guess on how many reader comments begin with “I stumbled upon…” or “I was browsing when I ended up here” and “I have no idea how I ended up on your site…”
I can explain.
We all know and accept the Law of Gravity, right? Watch (in your imagination) as my pen falls from my hand and plummets to the floor. An invisible force, gravity, is behind this amazing feat… Want me to do it again? Lol
The point I am trying to emphasize is the Law of Attraction is busy at work in this case. Like things attract like things. Send out a frequency of love, and love responds by returning to you all that you give back, and in greater measure.
This blog site is a perfect example. I wrote from my heart on topics I know very well. I published my philosophy in an effort to share the love…Suddenly I am being showered by your reader comments reflecting the truth in that statement.
It is never my intention to gloat, boast, or make everything about me.When I learn of someone’s success, I send out empathetic frequencies of love and accommodation. I am not worried they will steal my traffic, or that their success came at my expense.
Envy is listed as one of seven deadly sins. In the Hebrew scriptures of the Bible, the Ten Commandments tells one:
“Be careful as not to covet thy neighbor”
--Moses, by virtue of a higher power
Trust this wisdom and find a way to be happy for others when they succeed…jealous feelings will guarantee that you will not taste the same bliss as the one you curse for succeeding.
There is something that I have posted, or something I will post, that will fit your circumstances perfectly. Open your mind’s eye and the answers you seek will appear.
Change begins with thoughts and beliefs. One who has tried before to effect change are often disillusioned by past failures and resigned themselves to the very vague statement, “That’s just life…It’s a (Warning! The word you choose for this spot is a reflection of how you really feel)
If you followed the saying to conclusion, you would have written, “Life is a bitch, what can ya do?”
Trust me when I tell you that you have just called into reality more reasons to believe that life is a bitch and stronger evidence that supports you are powerless to change-BULL SH*T
However, this is a representation of just how powerful our thoughts and beliefs actually are…It works both ways!
Try, “That’s Life…And, it is freaking awesome!” smile when you say it and muster as much positive emotion as you can to begin believing that what you speak is truth…
That statement is the first of many you should adopt. Life is a reflection of our beliefs and choices. If it is not the ideal life you desire, do not continue as the fool.
A fool is one who expects different results from the same approach…That is a quote from someone, but it poured out as an original thought…I just know somebody said it, not just That One Guy. The whole idea, is when one thing fails, it’s time for fresh tactics.
That One Guy is me. It is an original thought to me, but I can’t take credit if I am not the first to share this observation. I am just unaware of anyone who did use it before me.
Thin Well, Be Well
JK Halley
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9:11 PM
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I have close to 300 pages of unsolicited testimonies that give my writing skills praise and my philosophy a warm welcome. I spent the time to express myself in a way consistent with my free spirit philosophy. While I did post off-topic inadvertently, this article was about travel, because I returned to Ohio to visit my family.
I first wrote what I expected them to accept as my first assignment for this travel course I am taking with Matador U.
I first wrote what I expected them to accept as my first assignment for this travel course I am taking with Matador U.
I posted about the area I am from. It was called, "I Was Born in the Ohio Valley." It drew interest because I grew up just across the river from Point Pleasant, W. Va. It elicited the most readership and was an intended travel story.
If where I was born means nothing to you, it was the setting for the blockbuster film with Richard Gere, Debra Messing, and Laura Linney, "The Mothman Prophecies." It is set across the river in Pt. Pleasant, W.Va. I have actually spoke to eyewitnesses of the actual event that took place at Christmas of 1967
This is the home of the official Mothman Prophecy museum. The thing I always wondered, is they could have added a whole new dynamic to the story. If you notice the Muriel below. It is new...at least to me. It depicts the story of Chief Cornstalk.
His tribe of Cherokee Indians occupied that area. He had been pushed further and further back. When white men wanted the area where two major rivers meet. They could ship East and West on the Kanawha River and all of the way from Pittsburgh to the Gulf on the Ohio.
Finally, he would bargain no more. He began ordering raids on local settlements. He ordered the wrath of an aggressive US Military pushing west.
The story has it, that just before he was shot down, he stood at the edge of the convergence and cursed the ground before he died.
How can they leave out true shit like that? The Mothman become purveyor's of the curse. You open with a chief whailing out something in his native tongue as soldiers line up with rifles pointing and someone yells, "Aim...Fire!" The full moon reflects in a pool of the dead chief's blood. Then Let Richard spoon Debra in the closet they were looking to buy.
I am one of only a few who have heard first-hand tales of those times. My own father had used the bridge only a couple of hours before it collapsed. My father has retold the story enough that he remembers how busy it was and that it took especially long to cross that old bridge would shake when you were idle on it due to congestion.
Eyewitnesses reported that a flash and a loud bang was seen on the first tower. I suspect the flash was from the sudden release of kinetic energy by one of the cables breaking. Because they would tell how the bridge would sway like a snake.
They also reported a large winged bird of some kind take flight from the top of that tower and fly south along the surface of the river.
Like they portrayed in the film, these are good, honest people. They are embarrassed about telling others the chilling experience they had with this alleged Mothman.
Another interesting fact that could have added more to the film is an area known as "TNT."
I have no idea how the name came about. But during WWII, the military constructed a hidden bunker base. It is rumored to have a network of tunnels built just below the surface during the height of the cold war.
On the outside, it appeared as just a uninhabited series of gravel roads, with an occasional bunker-type structure. It was this area people rumored most of the siting's.
I remember being told all of these things and about the actual collapse.
Then screams were heard as the bottom dropped out of a section of the bridge. They did get the part about the headlights shining up from the bottom of the river, but Christmas presents would be swiftly taken down stream in a mighty river like the Ohio.
Diver's were on the spot quickly but I cannot tell you whether they were able to save anyone. I know about a week later, post dives came back with reports of catfish the size of Volkswagens lurked in the dark murky waters at the bottom of the Ohio River.
I must admit it is a weird attachment. I never tell people the name of the city I was born in, because it only leads to me repeating it several times.
It is the thriving city known as "Gallipolis." The name is Latin and translates to the "City of the Gaul's"-or as we know them, the French. The French 500 evidently pitched their tents there and by 1790 declared themselves an independent municipality.
I know, that's the kind of writing that will have you aroused. I just have to fit in the technical stuff. My mother lives in Rodney now anyway.
Rodney is on the way from downtown Gallipolis to a small town known as Rio Grande. I hope it wasn't named after Raccoon Creek...
Anyway, we discover another fun fact about the area I spent the first half of my life. A farmer, Bob...Evans, yeah, that's it Bob Evans has his original farm up there.
Now, you find the Bob Evans Franchise still growing as he lasted until his eighties. He died only a few years back. In fact, my mother had talked to him about a problem they shared, because his property bordered my mother's.
My mother was one of his original waitresses. He was a good man with a recipe for good sausage and a dream he watched get fulfilled early in his life and only grew over time. His products are in local supermarkets.
If I was not in the middle of transferring data and could find the pictures, I have some of his farm. I remember that it used to host an apple or foliage festival. They had farm exhibits and tractor rides. It was surprisingly popular considering how dull the attractions were.
I moved away in 1989 to manage a Domino's Pizza location in Steubenville. It was the owner's flagship location and I was in a relationship with his daughter.
It doesn't add up that he would transfer me away if he wanted my relationship to continue with his step-daughter. I lost out in that situation and was working hours that opposed having a social life in every way possible.
Weekends were the busiest time. I worked from 4PM to 2PM both nights. I was off on Sundays and worked the day shift on Mondays.
Going back to the whole premise that humans are hard-wired against sustained dread or prolonged restrictions. I was getting more than my paycheck would even come close to the sacrifices of working that schedule is to a newly single, 19 year old adolescent.
My testosterone levels were peaking and I was handling matters far too often. I quit and moved North to Pittsburgh.
I was there under the premise of getting an education. The truth be told, I was just running scared. I had lived in a small city my whole life.
Neither of my parents graduated. In fact, I was the only one between them and my sisters who graduated the conventional way. My mother suffered from Major Depression for my entire life as a child. No one ever heard of anti-depressants in the 1970s.
As far as I could tell, they would shock the depression out of you. It had no lasting effects and erased her memory.
One of the major events of my life was the day I confronted her about the affect her parenting had on me. I told her the unspeakable emotional abuse she would employ in my presence and even as her target.
I didn't get the big show of remorse I was expecting. She claimed to have no recollection of any of the events I described. I could tell by her discomfort and rush for me to end this recollection, spoke to the effect she remembered more than none.
I had chose to forgive her in 1999. I wasn't going to carry around resentment for her when the anti-depressants stopped those behaviors. I wasn't going to blame her and let matters go, until she recalls moments of my transgression, and immediately discounted my therapy because they always go to the mother, father, or legal custodian to find events that would trigger adverse effects in their patient.
I remember they all say "blame the mother...It's always the mother." I am thinking, "uh, yeah...the mother, the father, those two people who copulated and now have inherited the obligation to teach a new life the way to live, to parent, to know what it means to be an adult.
Why would she have so much trouble accepting that she has contributed the most to my early development. She stole my security by changing faces so quickly. A smile that turns into a scowl on cue with the sound of a car pulling in was all of the warning I would get.
Get to my bedroom. I have made the mistake of trying to linger in the shadows where I could see the TV, but I was always called out to testify.
I had nothing close to the capacity to understand why they would scream so loud. I could not connect with how I got involved. Both of them are calling for me, and in my head, Dad was the lesser of two evils.
He may have been emotionally unavailable, but I felt more secure in his company...I say that just as I remember when he pulled a knife on me once, and when he through a glass vase full of coins at me and through the wall.
I still remember how they believed in capital punishment. My father would rage and hit me with the end with the metal buckle. They would strip off limbs that were really limber to use as a switch or more like a bull-whip...
Enough talking about the good old days. TBC
I must admit it is a weird attachment. I never tell people the name of the city I was born in, because it only leads to me repeating it several times.
It is the thriving city known as "Gallipolis." The name is Latin and translates to the "City of the Gaul's"-or as we know them, the French. The French 500 evidently pitched their tents there and by 1790 declared themselves an independent municipality.
I know, that's the kind of writing that will have you aroused. I just have to fit in the technical stuff. My mother lives in Rodney now anyway.
Rodney is on the way from downtown Gallipolis to a small town known as Rio Grande. I hope it wasn't named after Raccoon Creek...
Anyway, we discover another fun fact about the area I spent the first half of my life. A farmer, Bob...Evans, yeah, that's it Bob Evans has his original farm up there.
Now, you find the Bob Evans Franchise still growing as he lasted until his eighties. He died only a few years back. In fact, my mother had talked to him about a problem they shared, because his property bordered my mother's.
My mother was one of his original waitresses. He was a good man with a recipe for good sausage and a dream he watched get fulfilled early in his life and only grew over time. His products are in local supermarkets.
If I was not in the middle of transferring data and could find the pictures, I have some of his farm. I remember that it used to host an apple or foliage festival. They had farm exhibits and tractor rides. It was surprisingly popular considering how dull the attractions were.
I moved away in 1989 to manage a Domino's Pizza location in Steubenville. It was the owner's flagship location and I was in a relationship with his daughter.
It doesn't add up that he would transfer me away if he wanted my relationship to continue with his step-daughter. I lost out in that situation and was working hours that opposed having a social life in every way possible.
Weekends were the busiest time. I worked from 4PM to 2PM both nights. I was off on Sundays and worked the day shift on Mondays.
Going back to the whole premise that humans are hard-wired against sustained dread or prolonged restrictions. I was getting more than my paycheck would even come close to the sacrifices of working that schedule is to a newly single, 19 year old adolescent.
My testosterone levels were peaking and I was handling matters far too often. I quit and moved North to Pittsburgh.
I was there under the premise of getting an education. The truth be told, I was just running scared. I had lived in a small city my whole life.
Neither of my parents graduated. In fact, I was the only one between them and my sisters who graduated the conventional way. My mother suffered from Major Depression for my entire life as a child. No one ever heard of anti-depressants in the 1970s.
As far as I could tell, they would shock the depression out of you. It had no lasting effects and erased her memory.
One of the major events of my life was the day I confronted her about the affect her parenting had on me. I told her the unspeakable emotional abuse she would employ in my presence and even as her target.
I didn't get the big show of remorse I was expecting. She claimed to have no recollection of any of the events I described. I could tell by her discomfort and rush for me to end this recollection, spoke to the effect she remembered more than none.
I had chose to forgive her in 1999. I wasn't going to carry around resentment for her when the anti-depressants stopped those behaviors. I wasn't going to blame her and let matters go, until she recalls moments of my transgression, and immediately discounted my therapy because they always go to the mother, father, or legal custodian to find events that would trigger adverse effects in their patient.
I remember they all say "blame the mother...It's always the mother." I am thinking, "uh, yeah...the mother, the father, those two people who copulated and now have inherited the obligation to teach a new life the way to live, to parent, to know what it means to be an adult.
Why would she have so much trouble accepting that she has contributed the most to my early development. She stole my security by changing faces so quickly. A smile that turns into a scowl on cue with the sound of a car pulling in was all of the warning I would get.
Get to my bedroom. I have made the mistake of trying to linger in the shadows where I could see the TV, but I was always called out to testify.
I had nothing close to the capacity to understand why they would scream so loud. I could not connect with how I got involved. Both of them are calling for me, and in my head, Dad was the lesser of two evils.
He may have been emotionally unavailable, but I felt more secure in his company...I say that just as I remember when he pulled a knife on me once, and when he through a glass vase full of coins at me and through the wall.
I still remember how they believed in capital punishment. My father would rage and hit me with the end with the metal buckle. They would strip off limbs that were really limber to use as a switch or more like a bull-whip...
Enough talking about the good old days. TBC
bridge collapse
Debra Messing
Laura Linney
moth man
Mothman prophecies
Pt. Pleasant
Richard Gere
silver bridge
the Mothman prophecies
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