Where Happiness Hides

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Why are we here? Who are we? What is our Purpose? Does a Creator or
God exist?  Is this all just one crazy, cosmic coincidence?
No one can tell you with certainty-or by virtue of empirical
evidence.  What we do know, is that we have failed to produce
something living from only non-animated material. There is
definitely more to this than meets the eye.
An inexplicable "big bang" occurs billions of years ago and somehow
this is what chaos led too? Does that not conflict with the simple
elegance embedded within the physical laws.
Precision from Chaos?
That seems pretty hard to conceive. It is also beyond our
comprehension to understand a being reported as the Alpha and the
Omega, or the beginning and the end, of which, He is neither. He
never had a beginning and will never end.