Sick of Complaining about a Good life.

Monday, March 25, 2013
The subject line appears in a Foo-Fighters song and I notice that is actually impossible. Complaints are negative and when we share our misery we get big doses of misery back from others.

I am guessing that this is truth, knowing it is true in reverse. Happiness causes the corners of your mouth to turn up and you get this feeling in your chest. Right there, where the heart organ is located you get this warm feeling and a secure sense that everything is going to work out perfectly.

I have lived and I have existed.

The difference in the two are polar. Existing: Getting out of bed only to relieve myself and the occasional attempt at hygiene would draw me out of my bedroom. 

I was alone. Just me and my Tivo, dozens of syndicated sitcom reruns of shows that were popular a few years ago, but ran its course.
I would eat and I would smoke cigarettes. So it even stank in that room. I was a burden on everyone and I hated it.
I remember back in 2009 when I queried my Free Spirit Fitness manuscript. It only took one mailing and I had a contract with an agent.

Now, that manuscript has add dimension. I will show you the same results doing the same thing, except this time, I realize that what I have stumbled into is valuable information. It has always been there but never made real until I assigned it a name.

My approach to life follows the philosophy of freewill, or the free spirit philosophy, and its application to helping one achieve the body they were visualizing just a few months earlier. No sagging skin at any age.

Age is just bull shit anyway.